For Immediate Release
May 16, 2019

Media Contact:
Rachel Palermo –

ONE WEEK OUT: Congressional Women’s Softball Game Gearing up to be the Biggest Game Yet

***Press must RSVP to game by noon on June 19 by emailing***

Washington, DC - With one week left before the 11th annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game, the CWSG Organizing Committee has several exciting announcements, including partnerships, special appearances, and fundraising numbers. The annual game brings together female Members of Congress – Democrats and Republicans alike – to take on the women of the Washington, D.C. press corps. To view this year’s full roster, click here. The game will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 7:00PM Watkins Recreation on Capitol Hill.

The CWSG Organizing Committee is pleased to announce we have raised a record-breaking $328,000 this year, reaching a total of $1.6 million since the game’s inception.

Tracy Reiner (of A League of Their Own and daughter of Penny Marshall) and Virginia Manina (from the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League) will be throwing out the first pitch. Megan Cavanagh (also of A League of Their Own) will be singing the National Anthem. The Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden, will be appearing at the game this year. Our announcers will be NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell, CNN’s Gloria Borger, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar. We are expecting guest appearances from many legislators as well.

Each year, we partner with Spotify to create playlists for both teams, comprised of each player’s unique walk-up song. We revealed this year’s playlists today. The last two years, the Bad News Babes have beaten the Members of Congress in our playlist contest, but this year's playlists will be a close match. Vote for the best playlist HERE.

The Bodice Project will be joining CWSG this year. The Bodice project is a traveling exhibit to support the emotional healing process of those affected by breast cancer.

To RSVP for press credentials, please email

The Congressional Women’s Softball Game will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at Watkins Recreation Center, 420 12th Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003. Tickets are $10, and they can be purchased online, or at the gate on game day. For more information, visit: